Downloading tabs

Search songs online, find places to get tabs.

Use the text field below to find songs from your favorite artists quickly. Search hits from will display a download button at the bottom of the page, right above the comments section.

Supported score file formats

Guitar Pro (gtp, gp3, gp4, gp5, gpx, gp) and PowerTab (ptb) format files.

If you are searching tabs at directly, look for search results labeled as Guitar Pro or Power.

Free alternatives

The sites below offer free tablatures from a great number of artists. Make sure that you select Guitar Pro or PowerTab formats for download.

Transcribed by professionals offers high quality music scores based upon clients' custom request.

Saving tab files

If your browser asks you whether to save or open the file, choose save. Otherwise the tab is saved into a temporary folder that might be automatically deleted.

Once you have saved a tab on your hard drive, you can add it to your Go PlayAlong library.

Read more about the library features

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