Version 5 news

December 14, 2024

Here you will find all known information about the upcoming major version of Go PlayAlong.

Estimated release date

1st half of 2025.

Planned features

This list of planned features might change in the future and there is no guarantee that all of them will be published in version 5.

  • ⭐ Improved score renderer engine
  • ⭐ Library tagging. Search songs by tags, tuning or difficulty
  • ⭐ Save rehearsal room settings
  • ⭐ Add more control over blocked invites
  • ⭐ Add comments to songs or instrument tracks
  • ⭐ Partial auto-sync: add a few sync points manually and let auto-sync fill the gaps
  • ⭐ Multiple backing track versions
  • ⭐ Customize count-in and metronome beats
  • ⭐ Visual count-in
  • ⭐ Automatic key calculation, adjust song pitch in Hertz

Any more ideas? Feel free to share your feature recommendations by sending an email to

Upgrading from version 4

All users with an active Cloud subscription will get version 5 at no additional cost. Go PlayAlong 4 Desktop license owners will be able to purchase version 5 at a reduced price. In addition to this, if you purchase version 4 close to the release date, you will be able to upgrade to version 5 by paying the price difference only (if there's any difference). This grace period will be 180 days long.

Why releasing version 5 takes so long?

You might have noticed that the release date for version 5 has been delayed several times. The reason for the delay is quite technical and I’m happy to share more details below.

During the preparations for the next major upgrade I have realized that the code base has aged and it was not flexible enough. To rewrite a big part of the code is always a hard decision to make but it's an investment into the product’s future. Without this change, any kind of improvement would come slower and the app would be much more vulnerable to random errors.

Version 5 introduces so many changes that it's not backwards compatible. For example, a student with a version 4 desktop license wouldn’t be able to open songs shared by a tutor using version 5. To avoid forcing users to upgrade, a free intermediate upgrade (version 4.5.x) has been released to pave the way for version 5. And to compensate you a bit for the delay, version 4.5 features some major improvements, like a new renderer engine, that were originally planned for version 5.

Further reading

Version 5 score renderer engine

© 2009-2025 Balazs Forian-Szabo