Introducing Go PlayAlong Cloud

May 5, 2019

The Cloud extension for Go PlayAlong has left beta phase and it is now available at It is an online storage for your songs, and much more...

💎 Take your tabs with you on a tablet or mobile phone

It’s not always practical to bring a laptop to a rehearsal session. It’s difficult to put it on a music stand and for many musicians it is way too distracting to use. You’d like to focus on your band mates and and forget about all technical devices that add nothing to the good vibe. Maybe you don’t even look at sheet music during most of your rehearsal sessions.

But there are cases where you will want to take a look at your transcriptions, discuss some detail with friends, and show them a few bars of music notation. If you have online access to all your songs, they will always be with you in your pocket. Grab your phone, fire up and look up the most recent version of any song you’ve been working on.

💎 Automatic backups — keep your songs safe

The cloud extension offers a convenient way to recover your library content safely. You don’t need to make regular backups. Songs you’ve uploaded into the cloud will be updated automatically and you’ll be able to continue practicing from where you left off. The cloud will remember your sync settings, the score part you were playing, the notation you were using and even your repeat selection.

💎 Share tabs with students or band mates

Sharing your own work on Go PlayAlong Cloud is super simple. First, you need to upload it into the cloud, then enable sharing and start inviting people to view your song. The good news is that invited musicians will not need to purchase Go PlayAlong to play your song. You can send them your work completely free and they can get started with playing right away.

If you are a music tutor and you’d like to publish animated sheet music directly on your own website, it’s also possible with the cloud player. Please contact for an embed key and further assistance.

💎 Rehearsal mode — digital music stand for all band members

If you prefer to use digital sheet music instead of printed papers during your rehearsal sessions, then you should give this feature a try. In rehearsal mode you can not only share songs with others, but also connect multiple devices, so that they are animating the same score perfectly synced to each other.

Only the host needs to touch any player controls, while the others can focus purely on playing their instruments.

You can enable rehearsal mode from the Cloud menu. Create a rehearsal room, give it a name and invite band members to join.

Once your room is active and everyone is connected, you can load a song on your instance of Go PlayAlong. Each connected device will load the same song automatically, and everyone will have the option to select their instrument with the preferred notation settings.

As the host of your room, you have the control over playback, tempo settings and loop selection. Your actions will be reflected on all the other devices. If you create a selection, the same bars will be selected on each device, and if you hit play at 75% tempo, each device will start playing at the same pace.

🌟 Final Notes and Links

Hope that you’ve discovered something new in this article. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at

© 2009-2025 Balazs Forian-Szabo